Meet Fable!
On July 7, 2023, Fable's design was officially approved by CFPL staff and became the mascot of the Cedar Falls Public Library.
Fable is a smart, handsome, adventurous young fox who loves to read, cuddle, and make people smile. While many have heard of the mythical nine-tailed fox of Asian mythology and the Red Foxes native to Iowa, Fable is another breed of fabled fox. Sporting seven colorful tales, Fable loves to prance around and twirl them about, but they are also good for snuggling.
Fable lives at the Cedar Falls Public Library but loves exploring all of Cedar Falls.
Find Fable!
Community Scavenger Hunt
Fable loves exploring and visiting other places. Have you found Fable hiding throughout Cedar Falls? Embark on a journey and discover Fable's latest hideouts! Share your findings by snapping a pic and using #ifoundfable and #cflibrary to let us know where Fable was. Afterward, swing by the library to claim your 'I found Fable' sticker. Happy hunting!
Library Scavenger Hunt
Fable also loves playing hide and seek and having library adventures. Hunt for the Fable featuring a button labeled, “You found me!” Once discovered, bring Fable back to the youth desk for an awesome “I found Fable” sticker! Fable only hides once a day and stays at the desk until the next day. Let the hunt begin!
Fable in the Community
Request a Birthday Letter from Fable
Would you like to apply to be Fable? Email
Fan Works for Fable
Read and view amazing fan works created by kids!