>American FactFinder from U.S. Census Bureau
Source for population, housing, economic, and geographic data including American Community Surveys.
The U.S. Government’s official Web portal providing links to government information at all levels of government by topic and by organization.
>Iowa Publications Online
Electronic depository for documents produced by Iowa state agencies and intended for use by the general public.
>Iowa State Boards and Commissions
Searchable list of commissions by interest, board name, department, and state code.
>State and Local Government on the Net
Frequently updated directory of official state, county, and city government Web sites. Also provides links to national organizations, multi-state sites, etc.
>National Agricultural Statistics Service Iowa Office
Source for up-to-date statistics on Iowa farm production and prices.
>State of Iowa
State’s official Web portal providing links to Iowa state agencies, Iowa county government sites, and Iowa cities with Web sites. Also includes links to information on Iowa tourism, business, education, employment, etc.
>State Data Center of Iowa
Source for population, housing, business, and government statistics about Iowa.