Hoopla Digital provides online and mobile access to free eBooks, eAudiobooks, magazines, movies, TV shows, and music. A library card is all you need to access thousands of titles from your smartphone, tablet, or PC. You may borrow up to three items per month from hoopla. As the fourth library in Iowa to offer this service we are excited to announce the addition of the Binge Pass! The Binge Pass allows you to stream or browse more items per borrow. Access Hoopla for more details on which items qualify for the Binge Pass bonus.
For instructions on borrowing items >click here. Hoopla’s >help page also provides answers to questions you might have about the service. If you would like to ask the library a question about Hoopla you may call us at (319) 268-5543 or email reference@cedarfallslibrary.org.
>Click here to access Hoopla!
Libby By Overdrive
>Libby has thousands of eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines to read on your phone or tablet using the Libby app by OverDrive. You can even send and read your borrowed ebooks to your Kindle ereader (U.S. only)! It’s free and easy to get started. Learn more at overdrive.com/apps/libby/.
We currently partner with the Waterloo Public Library for this collection. Anyone with a Cedar Falls or Waterloo library card may check out books in the Cedar Falls/Waterloo service. To use the Libby app you will need your library card and pin number. If you have forgotten your pin number or want to change it you can call the reference desk at 319-268-5543 or use the >online catalog. Click on the "Reset my PIN/Password" link in the middle of the page and continue with the instructions.